Board Resolution for Authorisation to Enter into Agreement

A board resolution for authorization to enter into an agreement is a crucial step in the decision-making process of any organization. It is a formal document that outlines the approval of the board of directors for an organization to enter into a binding contract or agreement with another party. In this article, we will discuss the importance of a board resolution for authorization to enter into an agreement and the key elements that should be included in the document.

Why is a Board Resolution for Authorization to Enter into an Agreement Important?

The board resolution for authorization to enter into an agreement is crucial because it ensures that the decision-making process is transparent and in accordance with the organization`s governance policies. The document outlines the board`s approval in a formal manner, which can be critical in the event of any disputes or legal issues that may arise from the agreement.

A board resolution for authorization to enter into an agreement is also important because it helps to protect the organization`s interests. Before approving an agreement, the board should carefully review the terms and conditions to ensure that they align with the organization`s goals and values. The board resolution serves as evidence that this due diligence was undertaken and that the board acted in the best interests of the organization.

Key Elements of a Board Resolution for Authorization to Enter into an Agreement

1. Introduction: The document should start with an introduction that clearly identifies the organization, the parties involved in the agreement, and the purpose of the agreement.

2. Approval: The board resolution should clearly state that the board of directors has approved the agreement and authorized the organization to enter into it.

3. Terms and Conditions: The document should outline the terms and conditions of the agreement, including any limitations or restrictions that may apply.

4. Signatories: The board resolution should identify the signatories who are authorized to sign the agreement on behalf of the organization.

5. Effective Date: The board resolution should include an effective date for the agreement, which should be the date on which the organization is authorized to enter into the agreement.

6. Review and Approval: The board resolution should state that the agreement has been reviewed and approved in accordance with the organization`s governance policies.


In conclusion, a board resolution for authorization to enter into an agreement is a critical document that helps to ensure that the decision-making process is transparent and in accordance with the organization`s governance policies. When drafting the document, it is essential to include all of the key elements to make it clear and comprehensive. By taking the time to create a well-crafted board resolution, organizations can protect their interests and minimize the risk of any disputes or legal issues that may arise from the agreement.